CarePath™ Program
What is CarePath™?
The CarePath ™ Program is a non-clinical support tool designed to assist youth 12+ and adults experiencing a setback managing their behavioral health needs.
CarePath ™ is a way to support mental health by focusing on the idea that our well-being is connected to others and our community. In this program, people in recovery choose who they want to join them, like family or friends. Everyone in the program takes part in the same activities for defining their mind-body health and supporting family mental health.
CarePath™ helps people set realistic recovery goals. Each person makes their own plan, and everyone supports each other. This way, everyone’s choices improve health, and the person who needed care can also help and encourage others, making the process a team effort. The program consists of 5+ sessions, each lasting 1 to 2 hours.

What CarePath™ Coaches Do
CarePath™ coaches support the individual in need, along with their family members and supporters, in the following:
Wellness Continuum: Understanding the full spectrum of wellness and how it impacts overall health.
Recovery Process: Learning the principles of recovery and how to navigate the journey effectively.
Realistic Expectations and Communication: Developing practical expectations and honing communication skills for better outcomes.
Setting Clear Goals and Care Plans: Designing specific goals and outlining key care elements for a focused 90-day period.
Skills for Stronger Connections: Building the skills needed to foster supportive and connected relationships.
Responsible Choices and Healthy Living: Promoting informed decision-making and the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits.
And Much More: Expanding on these core areas to support overall well-being and resilience.